Sunday, February 7, 2016

Altered Glass Bottle, the good, the bad, and the beautiful.

How many of you try a new technique or, for lack of a better word, process, and just end up hating (strong word) the results? I just made an altered glass bottle and even though I did a post about it (HERE), I wasn't happy with it. So, I was determined to improve and experiment. And experiment I sure did! This is only the 3rd bottle I have altered but the first time really experimenting with paints and so many elements and learning what works (for me) to get paint to stick to the bottle.

Now the first thing I wanted to know was-how does paint stick to the bottle? I tried gesso, multi medium and wasn't having the best result. So for this bottle I tried HEAVY black gesso and when it was dry I used the multi medium over the gesso, then applied a second layer of heavy black gesso. Win! I then applied some white gesso and crackle paste randomly with my finger.

The next step was to add all the different elements to form my design. I raided my stash and then some! One thing I have yet to read about is the cost for making this type of bottle. All of these many different elements add up. The metal flowers, the gears and cogs, the springs, the wooden arrows, the pen nibs, the floral pick, the clock face, the metal leaves, the metal filigree.....the end result is definitely worth it but now I know how much it actually costs. Whew! My local thrift store was a shopping haven for some of these elements though. I applied almost all of the elements with a hot glue gun because I couldn't wait for the multi medium to dry (patience isn't my strongest trait, but I am working on it). The hot glue worked very well because I already had the layers of HEAVY gesso and multi medium for the glue to stick to. All of the elements got a good coat of white gesso (not heavy white gesso).
 Color! Now the hard part. For me, adding color to a design is the make or break point because I sometimes don't like the end result. Such was the case for this bottle. I used about 5 different Primary Element mica powders, some Silks and LSG sprays (blues, greens, gold, copper, purple, pink). It was okay but not what I had pictured in my head. This is one reason I love mixed media-you can just keep adding paint! So add away I did!
The final layer of paints were only blues. I dabbed, spritzed, sprayed, splattered and even sponged until I was happy. The bottle is dark so you can't really see all of the drips and splatters. When everything was dry I used my finger to apply some silver Rub-n-Buff to highlight areas and then added some Wow Embossing Powder-Vintage Peacock randomly. Here are some close ups. The picture below is of the top of the bottle. Aren't those springs fun!?! I think so. This is where most of the crackle is as well. NOTE WORTHY: All of the pictures I have taken were with an Iphone 6 and no filters. I don't have a camera or use any apps to make my pics look better.

 The picture below is of the middle of the bottle where most of the elements are. I think that the bottom layers of paints/sprays/powders really added nice contrast to this design, and it shows up amazingly in pictures.

This is what I am calling the "bottom" of the bottle. I sure do need some more of those Roman numerals (loves 'em)! See the difference between the indoor vs outdoor pics? The indoor pics show more of the paint colors underneath, whereas the outdoor pics show more of the blue. Awesome sauce!
Outdoor Picture

 This final picture is in front of a large lantern I designed for my entryway. I do believe this experiment was a success and my hypothesis was sound-using HEAVY gesso will result in better paint "stickage" to a glass bottle. Hugz and Carpe Diem! ~Niki
I am thrilled to be sharing this altered bottle with these amazing challenges:

I believe I used every color in this color challenge. 
The LSG colors I used the most are: Delphinium Turquoise, Jack in the Pulpit Teal, and Sweet Violet Purple Teal

I took inspiration from the quote. This bottle is a rainbow of color underneath it all.

Simon Says Stamp-Work It Wednesday-Use Something New
(I have used new LSG sprays, Silks, Wow Embossing Powder and new techniques)

Emerald Creek Dares-Love is NOT in the air
This bottle is a perfect gift for a single person, and if it were full they wouldn't have to share any of the yummy wine. :)

This bottle is featured on Tuesdays Tutorials with Marjie Kemper


  1. Niki, this is AMAZING! What a cool, steampunk-perfection project. Thanks for sharing it at Creative Carte Blanche!

  2. Holy canoli! This is amazing! Thanks for the detailed description and the incredible creativity shared! LOVE this altered bottle and hope to try to do one some day too. TFS and inspiring! Hugs, Kristina

  3. Oh my goodness this is mixed media heaven ! Absolutely stunning placement of your embellishments and gorgeous colours.
    Julie x

  4. AWESOME bottle, Punkin! Wow! I'm so happy you stepped out and tried something new! You may have not like your first bottle, but it was fantastic, too--this one is just fantastic in another steam punky way! Big round of applause for figuring it all out, and now I shall have to give it a go! You rocked this altered bottle! Big hugs, my friend!

    1. PS Mr. I6 certainly does take some awesome shots! I like indoor shots better, because I think it makes all your metal parts/costly embellishments brilliant! Wow! You have even outdone yourself!

  5. Oh my goodness, this is such a gorgeous piece of art! I love that you shared your thoughts and experimentation with us. All your trials paid off because it's simply amazing. I'm so glad you joined us at Creative Carte Blanche. Such an inspiration!

  6. Yay for Niki!! Turned out a very cool bottle, and tried something totally new! I am cheering you right now!

  7. Ah, Niki - you and I share a love of exploration and a trait of impatience! I am SO glad you persevered here - the end result is fabulous, and I also learned a lot from your trials....go, girl!! You rock!! xxx Lynn

  8. Woo Hoo This is Absolutely Awesome Hunni, You have done yourself proud with this effort, I love, love, love it... I would love it in my display cabinet any day...
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge over at Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenge Blog, we hope to see you join in again...

    Hugs Rhonda DT & Owner

    1. Niki could you please contact me via please...

  9. OMG, let's hear it for your perseverance! You did it! I haven't been following you for long, but I could tell with that first bottle that you weren't happy-- and I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but now, seeing this, I can say that that first bottle in that incarnation wasn't 100% "you"... this masterpiece is! (Uggghh, please don't take that wrong... your snowflake bottle was great, but this is the freaking awesome creative you I am used to seeing!) (Ugghhh... did that sound wrong again???) Love your work, love this bottle!

  10. Fantastic piece, I think you must have spent many hours working at it. Add the cost of your working hours, and you have a really priceless treasure! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Holy cow, Niki, this is spectacular! A masterpiece of art, that's what it is! Your first bottle was brilliant too but this is something else! You have completely outdone yourself with this stunningly beautiful bottle! Bravo, my friend! Huge hugs to you! Branka xxx

  12. Jiminy Cricket in the fast lane, what a freaking awesome altered bottle! PINNED this sucker at lightning speed!! LOVE THIS!! Wow, the colours are amazing, the effect is very Patina! There are so many wonderful elements layered together here, I could look at it all day and see new things! You are such a talented young lady, what a real work of art you have made!! Bravo my friend! hugs :)

  13. This is so very cool, Niki! What a wow project! The way you repainted the group is so very cool! Looking good girl!

  14. Nice, very nice!! Love this altered creation. You inspire me to reach for my "ready-to-be-altered" stash and alter away. Great job, thanks for sharing your Creative Carte Blanche.

  15. This is incredible. Hard to believe it is only your third bottle because this looks like a true treasure!

  16. Beautiful aktered creation.. Thanks for sharing this with Jade's Sparkling Butterflies..
    Vidya, DT

  17. Beautiful aktered creation.. Thanks for sharing this with Jade's Sparkling Butterflies..
    Vidya, DT

  18. I do love bottles and yours is wonderful - mystery and color.
    Beautifully made!
    sandy xx

  19. Niki...I totallY LOVE pieces like this! I am always amazed at how just a plain bottle can become such a work of art! Anything with a patina look and lots and lots of detail just makes me HAPPY! I think Gesso is about the best invention known to man! :) You know what I loved the most about your blog post? That you didn't give up in altering bottles. OH my goodness...what a shame that would have been! You persevered and look what you ended up with...this masterpiece! Way to go, girl! Thanks for sharing with us at Creative Carte Blanche!

  20. Fabulous steampunk bottle. Just love the colours and all that scrummy texture.

  21. Wow!I have always intended decorating a bottle but I doubt it would end up looking anything like as amazing as this! Glad you didn't give up! I don't have an i - phone but I have been using my phone camera for any craft projects as it's easier to grab!I will be using my new camera when we go out and about - whenever that will be - been forced to stay at home for a while! Big hugs, Chrisx

  22. Niki...thank you so much for your uplifting thoughts you left in my blog. I really look forward to seeing your art shared with all of us. I am soooo with you when it comes to metal pieces infused in art or at least the appearance of metal. I am so glad you liked seeing my art journal pages develop. I really enjoyed watching the progress of your altered bottle, too. Fascinating!

  23. Gorgeous mixed media piece, Niki. Thanks so much for joining us at Emerald Creek challenge

  24. Niki,That's awesome. So beautiful. Love, love love all those colours and it's so touchable.

  25. Wow - your altered bottle is so stunning, Niki! It's amazing how much detail you managed to put on it - so much beautiful detail to discover!

    Thanks for sharing it with us at Emerald Creek Dares!

    Claudia xxx

  26. Amazing! Thank you for joining us at Jade's Sparkling Butterflies challenge. Hope to see you again. Mary DT xx

  27. YAY. Thank you for entering this one. It's so cool and gets one of my votes :)!!!

    Simply Gorgeous!!

  28. Beautiful Niki, love the fabulous patina you achieved with your layers of paint and all of your wonderful embellishments combine to create a really beautiful piece. Thanks for sharing it! Deb xo

  29. Oh sweetie, biggest congrats on your top three at ECD for this fab project! So thrilled for you, as this is AMAZING!

  30. Great big high five on your Top 3 at ECD's!!! You did good! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  31. One of my favourite altered bottles ever - gorgeous end result - so worth persevering through all those layers of dabbing, spritzing and sponging - sensational!
    Alison xx

  32. Oh my word...did you hear me squeal??? This is totally and utterly fantastic!!! It is breathtaking and beautiful! What a great piece of art! I need to go back and investigate every little detail even further now!!! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us at Creative Carte Blanche!

  33. Wow! This has got to be one of my favouritest things I have ever seen... you rocked that bottle... love, love, love it! Thanks for joining us at Creative Carte Blanche

  34. It's stunning, Niki. Please send me your email address when you have a moment. Thanks.

  35. A beautifully altered bottle. It was well worth your persistence. I love the beautiful patina and the overall Steampunk effect.
    Thank you for joining in with the February challenge "Anything Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media and good luck x

  36. Wow, Your creation is gorgeous
    thanks for joining our challenge at
    Debbie DT

  37. What an awesome project, thank you for sharing with us at Crafting with an Attitude- good luck
    Lyn - DT

  38. Simply beautiful!!The textures and colors are gorgeous!! Thank you for joining us for the Lindy's Stamp Gang Challenge this month!!
